May 27, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Keep SSH connection alive in OSX

Keep SSH connection alive in OSX    If you want to keep you SSH connection alive to avoid automatic disconnections it is very easy in OSX. Open your terminal and run the following command: cd ~/.ssh Check if you have a file named “config”. If not, run: touch config to create the config file. Then, add the […]

May 11, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Add sub-domains to your server with Apache

Add sub-domains to your server with Apache    If you have multiple services running on your server, and want to use sub-domains instead of sub-folders, here is a quick howto 😏     I am running different services on my server at home, for example Shaarli and Leed. Instead of using different sub-folders of the main Apache /var/www/ folder, […]

April 16, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Blogotext’s Links, new section on the blog

Blogotext’s Links, new section on the blog    I usually like to write detailed articles on my blog. However it often happens that I want to share a quick note, for example a basic command. In this situation, I am not going to write a complete article about how to use this command. That’s why I decided […]

April 14, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Installing RStudio Server on Mac OS X Lion

Installing RStudio Server on Mac OS X Lion     RStudio is a great IDE for the R programming language. Two versions of RStudio are available, the desktop and the server edition. The desktop edition is a full version running locally and the server edition is running on a server with the graphical RStudio interface accessible from […]

April 10, 2013 Adem Bilican 8 comments

How to convert PDF to PNG from the command line on a Mac

How to convert PDF to PNG from the command line on a Mac    Instead of opening your PDF file with the Preview app (or other PDF reader) and export it to PNG, you can easily use the command line. To do so, you need to use the sips (scriptable image processing system) command installed by default […]

April 7, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Add tabulations in your articles with Blogotext

Add tabulations in your articles with Blogotext     I am using Blogotext as blog engine. It is a big pleasure to use it ðŸ™‚ Blogotext is open-source, easy-to-use and very light, it works very well. I would like to thank again Timo for his great job.     I am using paragraphs to organize my articles and make them […]

April 6, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

HyperSwitch, an interesting app switcher alternative for Mac

HyperSwitch, an interesting app switcher alternative for Mac     The default app switcher on Mac (cmd+tab) doesn’t show the different opened windows for a given application. For example if you have multiple LibreOffice windows opened, you will only see one LibreOffice icon on the app switcher. I think this is a great productivity-killer ðŸ™‚     When I was […]

April 3, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Leed: your web-based open source RSS reader

Leed: web-based open source RSS reader     As you can see from my older posts, I am becoming more and more self-hosted every day ðŸ™‚ I already have some interesting services running on my own server, don’t worry I will write about all of them. Last time I wrote about Shaarli, a great and open source links […]

March 30, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Dynamic IP address with OVH

Dynamic IP address with OVH When I was configuring my server, I realized that I only had a dynamic IP address. At the time I had two options: ask for a fixed IP address deal with my dynamic IP address to get it updated when it changes The first option was too expensive for me. […]