January 19, 2014 Adem Bilican No comments

Save and share your snippets with canSnippet

UPDATE : canSnippet is not anymore on beta, I created a new page for the project. canSnippet’s project page. I am very happy today to introduce you to canSnippet. canSnippet is an open source web-based application to save and share your code snippets. It is my first “big” project, thus I would like to have as […]

December 10, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

[FR] L’identité

  J’ai écrit cette courte “histoire” pour ma participation au Prix de la Sorge 2013. Merci à Yome et Yohan (le luxembourgeois) pour les corrections. L’iDentité « Chérie, je vais passer chez ma mère cet après-midi » s’exclama Christine. « Fais-attention, tu ne devrais pas utiliser la iTransport si souvent, tu sais très bien que cette machine a […]

October 11, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Goodbye Piwik !

This is not an anti-Piwik article. I have started using Piwik a few months ago. I really liked it, it is a powerful and open-source analytics tool. If today I say “Goodbye” to Piwik, it is because I stopped using any analytic tool at all. I was checking my stats very often, I was affected […]

September 19, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Alternative to locate/find command line on mac

In linux you can use the “find” or “locate” command to look for a specific file or folder. The best alternative I know on Mac is Spotlight. However Spotligh is based on a graphical interface and the “best” option is to show all the results on the Finder, which is not very handy if you […]

September 16, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Getting rid of Google on Android

I recently switched again to Android. I was getting very limited in iOS, it was a pain to do simple things that you would do easily with Android (file transfert, syncing with multiple computers, real Bluetooth…). However, there is a big problem with Android : Google… After receiving my second Androphone I realised that all the […]

September 10, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

The Sebsauvage Effect

sebsauvage effect (SE)   [Ṧȅƃsọṿåij] noun 1. Increase of Piwik’s “Visits over time” counter 2. High score of sebsauvage.net in “Refferer Websites” 3. Suspect slow down on affected website Origin : This effect started approximately in the early 2012. It affected a very large number of blogs. The effect takes place once the affected blog/website is […]

September 8, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Install your personal XMPP server

Do you want to get rid of Whatsapp, Viber & co? Do you want to use an open protocol to communicate with your friends and family? Are you interested in encrypted communication? If yes, XMPP is what you are looking for. XMPP (or Jabber) is an open-source protocol for communication (a.k.a. chat). Many XMPP servers […]

August 27, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

[FR] Ce blog est non-fumeur

[FR] Ce blog est non-fumeur     Quel est le problème de notre société avec la cigarette ? Je me demande toujours ce qui pousse autant de personnes à se “suicider” lentement. Oui, je pense que la cigarette est une sorte de suicide, un suicide “lent et doux”.     Pour les nerveux accros de la tétée nicotinisée qui […]

July 19, 2013 Adem Bilican No comments

Longer php sessions in Ubuntu

Longer php sessions in Ubuntu    I just realized that the sessions of my web-apps were closing very rapidly, I had to login again every time I wanted to check my RSS (Leed) , my blog (Blogotext) or my links (Shaarli). After some DDG search I managed to change the maximum lifetime of my sessions to remain […]